Geese Police Delaware Valley Precinct
Servicing the following counties:
New Jersey (Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland counties)
Brian Swirbel

Brian Swirbelcame to Geese Police headquarters shortly after coming home from service with the United States Marine Corps. For over 17 years, Brian experienced every aspect of field operations. For over 10 years, he managed a crew training the employees and franchisees on the Geese Police service techniques and using the dogs properly for the purpose of Canada goose control. Brian also assisted in the training of the Geese Police dogs.
Tina Swirbel has become a member of the Geese Police family after marrying Brian in 2005. Throughout the years Geese Police became more of a lifestyle than a job. With Tina’s support and participation becoming a franchise just made sense.
Brian and Tina are excited to start this next chapter. Even their son, Ryan, wants to help with anything he can do. They enjoy taking care of the dogs, the yard, the trucks, and other aspects of the business as a family. It is this combined family participation that will ensure they provide the most effective goose control service.
Brian having formed a special bond with Deputy Dog, Ace for the past 3 years that he had to hire him for his precinct, so look for them out on the beat.
The Swirbel Family looks forward to serving the Delaware Valley region.
Call us today for your free no obligation demonstration at (908) 868-9577.